Sunday, 13 July 2014

Woman suffocates 11month Old Baby because she didn't want to be a mum anymore (Photo)


Some people are just wicked!! A 22-year-old New York woman named Nicole Kelly has confessed to suffocating her 11-month-old son. She told detectives

“I reached my breaking point, I didn’t want him anymore.”


Nicole Kelly decided to end her son’s life the day before her birthday, by wrapping him in a bed sheet and watching as he struggled to breathe. She went on to say that she returned to the room about a half hour later and the boy was blue and unresponsive, but she didn’t try to save him. The child was later taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

She then posted a picture of the boy on Facebook and wrote,  “R.I.P. Tinkabutt.”

If convicted, Nicole faces 25 years in prison


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