Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Stop Police Harrasment! Know your right as a Motorist!


Sometimes falling a victim makes you wiser,yesterday a police officer stopped me to ask for my vehicle particulars,presented all I had but then I realised some of my papers were expired. The MOT expired June which still gives me a month grace,the police woman said she knows of the MOT but that my road worthiness could have been done immediately. I had to part with some cash.

I later made some research and confirmed from Authorities they were still valid,some friends also confirmed they exercise these rights and police don't dare waste their time again

Role of Police Men at Check point are these only:

They can request for a Valid Drivers Licence

Vehicle licence

MOT or Road worthiness(Either of the Two not both)

Insurance Certificate

Tinted Permit

That's all


Police does not have right to ask if you own the vehicle or ask for proof of ownership,simply reply them if a car that fits your car description was reported stolen that is only when you will answer their questions.

You have right to report any police that is trying to exploit you or harass you. Say it to their faces,they shake like jelly fish when they know they are dealing with people that knows their rights.

You can report 'oversabi' officers to

They will ask you of your custom papers only. Once they are satisfied with the documentation they will let you go

They are simply interested if you are wearing your seat belt and that you are not over speeding, over loaded or driving dangerously.If they stopped you, they will simply check if you have a valid drivers license, if you have good spare tyre, fire extinguisher and caution signs. They might go further to check if your travel gator and break lights are working properly.

If they stop you, they will just check if you there so many male occupant in the vehicle. If that is the case, they will ask everybody to come down while they search each person for any incriminating items or arms. They might go further to search the vehicle buts, pigeon hole, under the seats and so on.

You will see these guys mainly in commercial cities. They are just after public vehicles. Once they stopped you, they will check if you have purchased their tickets and once you are cleared you are good to go.

POLICE(I call these ones "oversabi')
They perform virtually all the role explained above and that is what I don't seem to understand. A police officer will stop you, search your buts, search all the occupant of the vehicle, search the pigeon hole. Request for your drivers license, your vehicle particulars and some cases custom papers. Ask you to open your bonnet, check your engine and engine number, check your chassis number for correctness. Check if you have fire extinguisher and have a spare tyre. If you are not on seat belt, you will be booked too. And so on and so on. You can add yours.

Now that you know your rights don't fall victim again!!

Ask me questions,I will gladly answer


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