Sunday, 14 December 2014

Must Read!!!!Prof. Wole Soyinka drops Bombshell on Rtd. General Buhari



This intervention has been provoked, not so much by the ambitions of General Buhari to return to power at the head of a democratic Nigeria, as by declarations of support from directions that leave one totally dumbfounded. It would appear that some, myself among them, had been overcomplacent about the magnitude of an ambition that seemed as preposterous as the late effort of General Ibrahim Babangida to aspire yet again to the honour of presiding over a society that truly seeks a democratic future. What one had dismissed was a rash of illusions, brought about by other political improbabilities that surround us, however, is being given an air of plausibility by individuals and groupings to which one had earlier attributed a sense of relevance of historic actualities. Recently, I published an article in the media, invoking the possible recourse to psychiatric explanation for some of the incongruities in conduct within national leadership. Now, to tell the truth, I have begun to seriously address the issue of which section of society requires the services of a psychiatrist. The contest for a seizure of rationality is now so polarized that I am quite reconciled to the fact it could be those of us on this side, not the opposing school of thought that ought to declare ourselves candidates for a lunatic asylum. So be it. While that decision hangs in the balance however, the forum is open. Let both sides continue to address our cases to the electorate, but also prepare to submit ourselves for psychiatric examination.

The time being so close to electoral decision, we can understand the haste of some to resort to shortcuts. In the process however, we should not commit the error of opening the political space to any alternative whose curative touch to national afflictions have proven more deadly than the disease. In order to reduce the clutter in our options towards the forthcoming elections, we urge a beginning from what we do know, what we have undergone, what millions can verify, what can be sustained by evidence accessible even to the school pupil, the street hawker or a just-come visitor from outer space. Leaving Buhari aside for now, I propose a commencing exercise that should guide us along the path of elimination as we examine the existing register of would-be president. That initial exercise can be summed up in the following speculation: “If it were possible for Olusegun Obasanjo, the actual incumbent, to stand again for election, would you vote for him?”

If the answer is “yes”, then of course all discussion is at an end. If the answer is ‘No’ however, then it follows that a choice of a successor made by Obasanjo should be assessed as hovering between extremely dangerous and an outright kiss of death. The degree of acceptability of such a candidate should also be inversely proportionate to the passion with which he or she is promoted by the would-be ‘godfather’. We do not lack for open evidence about Obasanjo’s passion in this respect. From Lagos to the USA, he has taken great pains to assure the nation and the world that the anointed NPN presidential flag bearer is guaranteed, in his judgment, to carry out his policies. Such an endorsement/anointment is more than sufficient, in my view, for public acceptance or rejection. Yar’Adua’s candidature amounts to a terminal kiss from a moribund regime. Nothing against the person of this – I am informed - personable governor, but let him understand that in addition to the direct source of his emergence, the PDP, on whose platform he stands, represents the most harrowing of this nation’s nightmares over and beyond even the horrors of the Abacha regime. If he wishes to be considered on his own merit, now is time for him, as well as others similarly enmeshed, to exercise the moral courage that goes with his repudiation of that party, a dissociation from its past, and a pledge to reverse its menacing future. We shall find him an alternative platform on which to stand, and then have him present his credentials along those of other candidates engaged in forging a credible opposition alliance. Until then, let us bury this particular proposition and move on to a far graver, looming danger, personified in the history of General Buhari.

The grounds on which General Buhari is being promoted as the alternative choice are not only shaky, but pitifully naive. History matters. Records are not kept simply to assist the weakness of memory, but to operate as guides to the future. Of course, we know that human beings change. What the claims of personality change or transformation impose on us is a rigorous inspection of the evidence, not wishful speculation or behind-the-scenes assurances. Public offence, crimes against a polity, must be answered in the public space, not in caucuses of bargaining. In Buhari, we have been offered no evidence of the sheerest prospect of change. On the contrary, all evident suggests that this is one individual who remains convinced that this is one ex-ruler that the nation cannot call to order.

Buhari – need one remind anyone - was one of the generals who treated a Commission of Enquiry, the Oputa Panel, with unconcealed disdain. Like Babangida and Abdusalami, he refused to put in appearance even though complaints that were tabled against him involved a career of gross abuses of power and blatant assault on the fundamental human rights of the Nigerian citizenry.

Prominent against these charges was an act that amounted to nothing less than judicial murder, the execution of a citizen under a retroactive decree. Does Decree 20 ring a bell? If not, then, perhaps the names of three youths - Lawal Ojuolape (30), Bernard Ogedengbe (29) and Bartholomew Owoh (26) do. To put it quite plainly, one of those three – Ogedengbe - was executed for a crime that did not carry a capital forfeit at the time it was committed. This was an unconscionable crime, carried out in defiance of the pleas and protests of nearly every sector of the Nigerian and international community – religious, civil rights, political, trade unions etc. Buhari and his sidekick and his partner-in-crime, Tunde Idiagbon persisted in this inhuman act for one reason and one reason only: to place Nigerians on notice that they were now under an iron, inflexible rule, under governance by fear.

The execution of that youthful innocent – for so he was, since the punishment did not exist at the time of commission - was nothing short of premeditated murder, for which the perpetrators should normally stand trial upon their loss of immunity. Are we truly expected to forget this violation of our entitlement to security as provided under existing laws? And even if our sensibilities have become blunted by succeeding seasons of cruelty and brutality, if power itself had so coarsened the sensibilities also of rulers and corrupted their judgment, what should one rightly expect after they have been rescued from the snare of power” At the very least, a revaluation, leading hopefully to remorse, and its expression to a wronged society. At the very least, such a revaluation should engender reticence, silence. In the case of Buhari, it was the opposite. Since leaving office he has declared in the most categorical terms that he had no regrets over this murder and would do so again.

Human life is inviolate. The right to life is the uniquely fundamental right on which all other rights are based. The crime that General Buhari committed against the entire nation went further however, inconceivable as it might first appear. That crime is one of the most profound negations of civic being. Not content with hammering down the freedom of expression in general terms, Buhari specifically forbade all public discussion of a return to civilian, democratic rule. Let us constantly applaud our media – those battle scarred professionals did not completely knuckle down. They resorted to cartoons and oblique, elliptical references to sustain the people’s campaign for a time-table to democratic rule. Overt agitation for a democratic time table however remained rigorously suppressed – military dictatorship, and a specifically incorporated in Buhari and Idiagbon was here to stay. To deprive a people of volition in their own political direction is to turn a nation into a colony of slaves. Buhari enslaved the nation. He gloated and gloried in a master-slave relation to the millions of its inhabitants. It is astonishing to find that the same former slaves, now free of their chains, should clamour to be ruled by one who not only turned their nation into a slave plantation, but forbade them any discussion of their condition.

So Tai Solarin is already forgotten? Tai who stood at street corners, fearlessly distributing leaflets that took up the gauntlet where the media had dropped it. Tai who was incarcerated by that regime and denied even the medication for his asthmatic condition? Tai did not ask to be sent for treatment overseas; all he asked was his traditional medicine that had proved so effective after years of struggle with asthma!

Nor must we omit the manner of Buhari coming to power and the pattern of his ‘corrective’ rule. Shagari’s NPN had already run out of steam and was near universally detested – except of course by the handful that still benefited from that regime of profligacy and rabid fascism. Responsibility for the national condition lay squarely at the door of the ruling party, obviously, but against whom was Buhari’s coup staged? Judging by the conduct of that regime, it was not against Shagari’s government but against the opposition. The head of government, on whom primary responsibility lay, was Shehu Shagari. Yet that individual was kept in cozy house detention in Ikoyi while his powerless deputy, Alex Ekwueme, was locked up in Kiri-kiri prisons. Such was the Buhari notion of equitable apportionment of guilt and/or responsibility.

And then the cascade of escapes of the wanted, and culpable politicians. Manhunts across the length and breadth of the nation, roadblocks everywhere and borders tight as steel zip locks. Lo and behold, the chairman of the party, Chief Akinloye, strolled out coolly across the border. Richard Akinjide, Legal Protector of the ruling party, slipped out with equal ease. The Rice Minister, Umaru Dikko, who declared that Nigerians were yet to eat from dustbins - escaped through the same airtight dragnet. The clumsy attempt to crate him home was punishment for his ingratitude, since he went berserk when, after waiting in vain, he concluded that the coup had not been staged, after all, for the immediate consolidation of the party of extreme right-wing vultures, but for the military hyenas.

The case of the overbearing Secretary-General of the party, Uba Ahmed, was even more noxious. Uba Ahmed was out of the country at the time. Despite the closure of the Nigerian airspace, he compelled the pilot of his plane to demand special landing permission, since his passenger load included the almighty Uba Ahmed. Of course, he had not known of the change in his status since he was airborne. The delighted airport commandant, realizing that he had a much valued fish swimming willingly into a waiting net, approved the request. Uba Ahmed disembarked into the arms of a military guard and was promptly clamped in detention. Incredibly, he vanished a few days after and reappeared in safety overseas. Those whose memories have become calcified should explore the media coverage of that saga. Buhari was asked to explain the vanished act of this much prized quarry and his response was one of the most arrogant levity. Coming from one who had shot his way into power on the slogan of ‘dis’pline’, it was nothing short of impudent.

Shall we revisit the tragicomic series of trials that landed several politicians several lifetimes in prison? Recall, if you please, the ‘judicial’ processes undergone by the septuagenarian Chief Adekunle Ajasin. He was arraigned and tried before Buhari’s punitive tribunal but acquitted. Dissatisfied, Buhari ordered his re-trial. Again, the Tribunal could not find this man guilty of a single crime, so once again he was returned for trial, only to be acquitted of all charges of corruption or abuse of office. Was Chief Ajasin thereby released? No! He was ordered detained indefinitely, simply for the crime of winning an election and refusing to knuckle under Shagari’s reign of terror.

The conduct of the Buhari regime after his coup was not merely one of double, triple, multiple standards but a cynical travesty of justice. Audu Ogbeh, currently chairman of the Action Congress was one of the few figures of rectitude within the NPN. Just as he has done in recent times with the PDP, he played the role of an internal critic and reformer, warning, dissenting, and setting an example of probity within his ministry. For that crime he spent months in unjust incarceration. Guilty by association? Well, if that was the motivating yardstick of the administration of the Buhari justice, then it was most selectively applied. The utmost severity of the Buhari-Idiagbon justice was especially reserved either for the opposition in general, or for those within the ruling party who had showed the sheerest sense of responsibility and patriotism.

Shall I remind this nation of Buhari’s deliberate humiliating treatment of the Emir of Kano and the Oni of Ife over their visit to the state of Israel? I hold no brief for traditional rulers and their relationship with governments, but insist on regarding them as entitled to all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of any Nigerian citizen. This royal duo went to Israel on their private steam and private business. Simply because the Buhari regime was pursuing some antagonistic foreign policy towards Israel, a policy of which these traditional rulers were not a part, they were subjected on their return to a treatment that could only be described as a head masterly chastisement of errant pupils. Since when, may one ask, did a free citizen of the Nigerian nation require the permission of a head of state to visit a foreign nation that was willing to offer that tourist a visa.?

One is only too aware that some Nigerians love to point to Buhari’s agenda of discipline as the shining jewel in his scrap-iron crown. To inculcate discipline however, one must lead by example, obeying laws set down as guides to public probity. Example speaks louder than declarations, and rulers cannot exempt themselves from the disciplinary strictures imposed on the overall polity, especially on any issue that seeks to establish a policy for public well-being. The story of the thirty something suitcases – it would appear that they were even closer to fifty - found unavoidable mention in my recent memoirs, YOU MUST SET FORTH AT DOWN, written long before Buhari became spoken of as a credible candidate. For the exercise of a changeover of the national currency, the Nigerian borders – air, sea and land – had been shut tight. Nothing was supposed to move in or out, not even cattle egrets.

Yet a prominent camel was allowed through that needle’s eye. Not only did Buhari dispatch his aide-de-camp, Jokolo – later to become an emir - to facilitate the entry of those cases, he ordered the redeployment – as I later discovered - of the Customs Officer who stood firmly against the entry of the contravening baggage. That officer, the incumbent Vice-president is now a rival candidate to Buhari, but has somehow, in the meantime, earned a reputation that totally contradicts his conduct at the time. Wherever the truth lies, it does not redound to the credibility of the dictator of that time, General Buhari whose word was law, but whose allegiances were clearly negotiable.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Question of the day.

Can you pay for your wedding gown and ring if your partner isnt financially stable?? A blog reader is in a dilemma and needs advice.

Gosh!Two mutilated Bodies Dumped on Expressway

Two unidentified and mutilated bodies were yesterday dumped on the Ife/Ibadan Expressway by suspected ritualists.
It was gathered that the bodies were dumped 100 metres away from each other after Wasinmi, a village on the Ife/Ibadan Road.

Sources said almost same parts of the two bodies were missing, which suggests that they might have been victims of same people or used for the same purpose.
A man, who claimed to be among the first set of people who arrived at the scene where the bodies were dumped, Adekunle, said: “We strongly suspect that the bodies where dumped as early as 4 am.
“From our observations, same parts were missing in the two bodies. Heads, private parts and the limbs were cut off. We only met the torsos. We could not determine the sexes of the bodies because unsuspecting vehicles had marched on them.”

Monday, 10 November 2014

Best selling Author and Renowned preacher Dr Myles Munroe and Family dies in Plane Crash

This is so Sad!! I am in total shock!! Attended programmes where he ministered, A preacher to love!!

Internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and  leader of Bahamas Faith Ministries, Dr Myles Munroe, his wife Ruth and daughter Charisa has died in a plane crash in Grand Bahama.

According to the Associated Press, the 36 executive jet reportedly struck a crane  at the grand Bahama Ship Yard ,exploding on impact and crashing into the ground near a junkyard..

The crash  killed all nine people on board the private jet.The Department of Civil Aviation reported that the plane was a Lear 36 executive jet which departed the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) for the Grand Bahama International Airport.The plane left LPIA at 4.07pm with nine people on board and crashed while making an approach for landing at Grand Bahama International Airport at 5.10pm..
He was headed for his 2014 Global Leadership Forum which starts today November 10.

What about the Christmas plans? What about the planned trips to minister? Is it true you are gone? Your wife and beautiful daughter too? Oh God!! I am in tears.

May their souls rest in peace.Amen

Monday, 27 October 2014

Robbers Write Lagos Residents, demand gifts for XMAS/NEW YEAR. (See Evidence)


Screenshots_2014-10-27-09-25-11Residents of Onimaba, College Bus stop, Ikotun Road, Igando, Lagos have been living in fear since last week Thursday when a letter purportedly written by armed robbers circulated .

It was learnt that the letter, which was typed on an A4 paper and scattered on the streets, was noticed by residents as they woke up on Thursday morning.


About 20 copies of the letter were said to have been picked up from streets such as Lateef Bello, Ogunbewon, Taiwo Adediran, and Alhaji Hamzat.


Our correspondent learnt that the people called the attention of landlords to the document, and the landlords association was said to have reported at the Igando Police Division.


During a visit to the area on Friday afternoon, PUNCH Metro obtained a copy of the letter.


In the paper, the robbers wrote that residents should be prepared to ‘entertain’ them as they were coming for their end-of-the-year packages. The robbers added that they could strike the area at any time they deemed fit.


The letter reads, “Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared. Our dues must be paid this festive season. Nobody can stop us as we can strike at any time. Only enough money can save your life.


“To be forewarned is to be fore-harmed. We have warned you in this area, and if you have ears, you ought to hear.”


Speaking with PUNCH Metro, one of the landlords, who pleaded anonymity for security reasons, said the robbers also dispatched the letter to neighbouring areas such as Pako and Irepodun.


He said, “On Thursday morning, around 4.30am when people normally start to go to work, we noticed the papers scattered on our streets. Some unknown persons, no doubt, had dumped the letter overnight in the area.


“We have about 18 streets in the area. When we saw it, we called on our CDA chairman, Alhaji Sarumi, who in turn called on the police at Igando.”


Another landlord, who identified himself simply as Alhaji Lawal, showed our correspondent the dilapidated fences of a government primary school in the area which the robbers allegedly used as a hideout.


He said, “The threat letter is very disturbing. The last time we had a robbery incident in this area was about six months ago. At that time, they came in through the compound of Igando Local Government Primary School, and escaped through Potoku, an unfenced canal at an end of our street. Potoku Canal reaches all the way to Lagos State University Road, Igando.


“We are calling on the police to intensify efforts in securing our area. We want the Area Commander, Area M Idimu, and the Special Anti-Robbery Squad to beam their searchlight on our areas.”


The Lagos State Police spokesperson, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, however said the residents had yet to report to the police. He added that the public should always avail the police of relevant information to enable them ensure security of lives and property.


He said, “The incident has not been reported to the Igando Police Division. However, if the residents have received such letter, let them bring it to the police. If there is such information, we will do well to ensure we deploy enough personnel in the area. The responsibility of the police is to ensure safety of lives and property in the state.”

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Monday, 20 October 2014

Big News!!!WHO declares Nigeria Ebola Free


Today Oct 20th makes 42 days with no new cases of Ebola.Hence we were declared Ebola Free by World Health Organisation. The declaration took place today in Abuja.

The WHO rep Rui Gama Vaz told reporters during a news conference in Abuja, “Nigeria is now free of Ebola,”

Bigamist! Man nabbed for having 4Wives, 7 Fiancees and 5Girlfriends(See Photo)


 A prolific lover with four wives, seven fiancées and five girlfriends has set Austria's record for bigamy.

Sonko Tijan was finally caught in a honey trap at Vienna Airport after two of his wives realised they were married to the same man and complained to police.

The seducer had picked up women all across the country, using them for room and board whenever he was nearby and borrowing money from them which he never returned.

His downfall came after he met Sonja Maier, who believed she had found love at first sight when she was swept off her feet by Tijan after meeting him in a bar.

The 28-year-old from Gambia told her he felt the same, and after a whirlwind romance - and against the advice of her family - they were married a month later.

After a year of happy marriage she was pregnant and browsing Facebook when she happened across somebody with the same surname and a strikingly similar-looking husband.

Curious, the delved into the woman's profile. Then she realised this woman's husband was not only similar looking, but actually identical. The fact he had the same surname as her own spouse convinced her something was wrong.

'I thought that either he had a twin I never knew about or he was cheating on me,' she said.

Ms Maier got in touch with the woman to compare notes. Soon they realised that when he was with one of them, he was never with the other, and together they made a complaint to police after he vanished when they confronted him.

That complaint led to the unravelling of a web of intrigue that has so far revealed 16 different women all of whom believed they were in an exclusive relationship with Tijan, including three who were married to him.

The youngest of his women was 22, and the oldest 44; there is also another woman he is married to in his home country, where he also has children.

Police have also found four children Tijan has fathered with different women in Austra. Two of his current girlfriends were pregnant.

Detective Patrick Maierhofer, who has made an appeal for other women to come forward, said: 'He always used the same tactics. He would look at women in bars and was always charming and attentive.

'He would also fascinate them with fanciful stories about his homeland in Africa and how he had fled horrific wars leaving his family behind - and later he would ask for financial assistance for them.'

Tijan has also been accused of benefits fraud, using his women, children and fake names and photos of friends who were also black to claim thousands from the Austrian social services.

He once posted online that the Austrians could not tell the difference between black men anyway.

Vienna police spokesman Thomas Keiblinger said: 'He went under various names and we have released his picture at some of his names in the hope that we can contact other victims.

'They included the names Sonko Tijan, Bojang Tijan and Crang Junior.

'He claimed the money was for business ventures to help his family in Gambia. We have found that he is actually also married to a woman in Gambia where he also has a family.'

Police put out an arrest warrant for him and eventually tracked him down using Facebook after discovering he was on the hunt for fresh victims. 

Officers arranged for a honey trap with the cooperation of a young woman he had been communicating with online to persuade her to lend him more money.

In reality though she was working with police and he was arrested.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Wow!US monitoring over 100 citizens for Ebola .Figure Jumped from 16!!


Health officials in Ohio are monitoring more than 100 people following the visit by a Dallas nurse(Amber Vinson) who tested positive for Ebola shortly after returning to Texas from the Cleveland area.

Officials stressed Saturday that none of those being monitored are sick.

State officials had announced on Friday that 16 people Amber Vinson had contact with were being monitored.

Officials say the sharp increase is a result of the identification of airline passengers who flew with Vinson between Dallas and Cleveland and the identification of people who also visited the dress shop where her bridesmaids were trying on dresses.

Vinson's stepfather remains quarantined in his home in the Akron suburb of Tallmadge - where Vinson stayed during her trip - and is the only person in the state under such restrictions.

Daily Mail.

I gave my life to Christ since 2006 but it's not easy to stay off Sex till Marriage- Uti Nwachukwu BBA All Stars Winner


Big brother Africa All stars winner Uti Nwachukwu is one of the coolest guys in the industry. Hes humble, very real and loves being in the presence of God, he only misses church if it beyond his control.i can personally attest to that.

While speaking with a vanguard reporter, Uti says he gave his life to Christ in 2006, but admits he is still an imperfect person, despite being born again.

“Of course, I am born again, I found Christ in 2006, I have always believed in Christ. But I must tell you I am not still perfect, he told the reporter.

“Being born again, means accepting Christ as your Lord and personal saviour. He didn’t come to the world for the righteous, Christ came for the imperfect ones like me and you. I genuinely want to change, Christ is right there soliciting and interceding for me, because he is the way, the truth and the life. People fail to see that it is we, the imperfect, that Christ came for.  I am extremely imperfect. I am not the stereotypical type of born again, I am the type that is aware of the love and grace” he explained.

When asked what he meant by being imperfect, he said; “Personally, I would not want to have sex before marriage but sometimes you fall and when you fall, you repent and beg God for forgiveness; it’s not easy.

Check out Dino Melaye's Campaign Luxurious Van!!

Money speaking you would say after seeing the inside of Dino Melaye's campaign van.

Dino will be representing his constituency KOGI West in the Senate come 2015.

He doesn't seem to be bothered by the wife battering allegations around him. One of his tweets read "No vex, na God"

See photos










One word please?

Boko Haram Attacks Borno After Ceasefire Agreement with FG

Less than 24 hours after the much-publicised ceasefire deal reached by the Federal Government and the Boko Haram sect, the terrorist group attacked two communities in Borno State, a security source told SUNDAY PUNCH.

The Nigerian government had announced on Friday that the Islamic sect and the military had agreed to a ceasefire.

According to the military source, about 20 Boko Haram fighters in two pick-up vans stormed Maikadiri in Abadam Local Government Area, northern part of Borno on Friday evening, shooting into homes.

A member of the local vigilance group, Adam Kolo, in a telephone interview with our correspondent in Maiduguri on Saturday, said the sect had shown that there was no ceasefire with the latest attack.

He stated that the insurgents killed the father of the former Speaker of Borno State House of Assembly, Goni Ali-Modu.

Another indigene of the attacked communities, Masta Ibrahim, said in Maiduguri that, “My parents are there and my brother called from Monguno to inform me early this morning but we couldn’t get across to our aged parents.”

Also in a renewed attack on Shaffa, Hawul Local Government Area, south of Borno on Saturday morning, scores of Boko Haram insurgents rode to a village near the town in the early hours of the day, shooting indiscriminately.

Eight people were killed, according to a resident, Elijah Msheliza.

He told our correspondents that many of the residents of the town had fled into the bush.

Msheliza said, “There was pandemonium in Shaffa as Boko Haram invaded the nearby village, shooting at everybody at sight. We had to flee into the bush and, as I am talking to you, many of us are taking refuge in the bush.”

Shaffa is about 230 kilometres from Maiduguri, the state capital, and had recently witnessed series of attacks by the insurgents.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Heart Breaking Story of a Family Torn Apart by Ebola


The heartbreaking moment grieving daughters watch as their mother’s body is carried away in Liberia


The devastated daughter of an Ebola victim cannot bear to watch as the body of her mother is pulled from her home in Monrovia, after the woman succumbed to the deadly virus.

A Red Cross burial team wearing protective suits and masks carries the body of 40-year-old Mary Nyanforh from the family’s house while the young girl holds her face in her hands.

The heartbreaking scenes in the Liberian capital show the tragic reality of living in a city ravaged by Ebola and the terrible impact on victims’ loved ones.

The worst-ever Ebola epidemic has already claimed more than 4,400 lives, with the vast majority of the victims living in the West African nations of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

More than half the dead have been in Libe­ria, where the healthcare system is still reel­ing from a devastating 1989-2003 civil war.

Healthcare unions in Liberia called off a strike today over pay and working conditions for medical staff tackling the epidemic.

The strike, which began on Monday, gar­nered poor support and most hospitals and clinics in the West African country had been operating normally.

‘We have called for the strike action to be called off on humanitarian grounds,’ said George Williams, secretary-general of the National Health Workers Association of Li­beria.

‘Our doors are open for negotiations at a later date…but as of now we call off the ac­tion based on numerous appeals from the Li­berian people both home and the diaspora.’

The deadly virus has also reached Nigeria, Senegal, Spain and the United States but out­breaks have been contained so far.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said yesterday that the epidemic was continu­ing to spread in the three worst-hit nations and there could be between 5,000 and 10,000 new cases a week by early December.

WHO assistant director-general Dr. Bruce Aylward said that the 70 per cent death rate of Ebola was ‘a high mortality disease’ in any circumstance. Previously, WHO had said the death rate was around 50 per cent.

He said the U.N. health agency was still focused on trying to treat Ebola patients, de­spite the huge demands on the broken health systems in West Africa.

‘It would be horrifically unethical to say that we’re just going to isolate people,’ he said, noting that new strategies like hand­ing out protective equipment to families and setting up very basic clinics – without much treatment – was a priority.

Courtesy: DAILY MAIL

Play this Sex game and get hooked!


Com'on y'all! Answer bad have you been? Lol.i will give my sincere answer after the 10th comment! Leggoo.Dont be shy.A hook up might just be around the corner. Lets have some fun!

I don’t charge N1.5m for collaboration, I charge as much as N10m and that is not a lie- Wizkid

Starboy, Wizkid, has really been bashed like a kid by some of his colleagues in recent times. In less than two weeks, two of the people he has worked with seem not to be happy with him.

He was still smarting from Samklef, his former producer’s bashing when singer, Saeon, dissed him again on social media. The singer indirectly said that Wizzy didn’t help in promoting the song in which she featured him even though he got N1.5m from her.

But explaining his side of the story, Wizkid said he was not aware that she was bitter against him. He stated that he did not want to do the collaboration but Saeon was on his neck and willing to pay him and so he agreed.

“I think I tried in the case of Saeon. I gave her a hit song and it was my boy that produced it. I did my part of the job to record the song and I was also in the video. I don’t charge N1.5m for collaboration, I charge as much as N10m and that is not a lie. If I did it for her for that price it was out of love. I did not even want to do it for her because I was busy. I will not lie; I did not want to do it. I don’t charge the people I love for collaboration but when they get on my neck and they wouldn’t mind paying to make the song, then I would agree. If I had declined, they would say I am a terrible person. I am just trying to be a good guy,” he said.

Wizzy also commented on the rift with Samklef, who said in a recent interview, that he regrets working with the Pakuromo crooner.

“Everyone has their own opinion about people. If people say you are terrible, you should go and ask those people what exactly you did to make you a terrible person. For four years that I was making music with Samklef, everybody knew who he was. I was going about shouting ‘Samklef noni’. I am just being myself and trying to be a good person, everybody cannot like me and everybody cannot hate me. Fame has not changed me; the only thing it has changed is just the accessories I use and my clothes. I am still the same person,” Wizkid said.

The singer is currently part of the Hennessey Artistry team and has composed a theme song with music legend, Tuface.

See What Tuface Says he does to Desperate Female Fans

Legendary singer, Innocent Idibia popularly known as Tuface, has explained how he handles female fans who do not want to respect his marriage.

In a chat with Saturday Beats, the singer said that when a lady is trying to be too familiar with him, he introduces her to any of his single friends that is around at the time.

“When I meet a female fan who is being unnecessarily familiar with me, I just greet her and move on with my life. If she is still being persistent, I would tell her that what she is looking for she cannot have. Then I introduce her to any of my single friends that is around,” he said.

The singer hinted that three of his children are already showing signs of being singers. He also said that marriage has really brought a lot of changes into his life.

“Three of my children are already showing signs of being good singers without my interference. I would say I am a natural coach. Marriage has made me calm and helped balance my life. I don’t do some certain things anymore because I am married,” Tuface said.

Recalling the death of his father recently, he said that it was a painful period in his life and it was the last time he cried.

“The last time I cried was when my father died. When the doctor told me that he was dead, I could not believe it. It was then it dawned on me that I would not see him again,” he said.

However, the lanky entertainer told Saturday Beats that if he had not been a musician, he probably would have been a goalkeeper.

Meet the Man who Make love to Cars (Photo)


Edward Smith, a 63-year-old man told a television audience earlier this week that he has made love to over 700 cars in his lifetime. The revelation which sounds really bizarre got the entire airwaves buzzing, with many describing him as a ‘lunatic’. However, Smith disclosed that he has since settled down with the ‘love of his life’ – a Volkswagen Beetle he calls Vanilla.

While ITV’s presenters, Phillip Schofield and Amanda Holden tried to ask probing questions about the details of his sexual history with four wheeled machines, Smith rolled out more of his unimpressive resume. He claimed to have slept with Jaguars, Mustangs, had threesomes in car parks and car showrooms, and has even had brief flings with helicopters and planes.

According to, Smith began to look at car magazines in the same way some men devoured pornography even as a teenager. He said he lost his virginity to a neighbour’s Volkswagen Beetle at age 14.

“I got tempted one night to step outside to gently caress the car. It did something for me, woke something up inside of me,” he said.

Once this desire had been awakened, he began to seek out cars that he was attracted to. When asked how he makes love to a car, he clarified that he is not attracted to any kind of penetration.

“It’s hugging and holding the shape of the car close to me and talking to it a little bit. The rest is just physical satisfaction. I basically just unzip, I’ve never got naked on a car – in public,” he said.

The 63-year-old did have girlfriends in secondary school and university, and one who he met as an adult living in San Francisco in 1971, although he was never able to consummate the relationship.

“It was not a thoroughly satisfying experience. I never got so involved like my brothers did and spent the night with them,” he said.

But today, his white Volkswagen Vanilla is his girlfriend and the love of his life.

“She certainly has become special. I got her in 1982 so it will be 30 years on December 23rd. I met her when I was involved in a relationship with another Volkswagen Beetle called Victoria.

“Sometimes I say to myself that Edward, in your heart and soul you know that these are cars but when I hold them in my arms I do feel an energy that comes from each one of them. But Vanilla is special. She is my baby. Beyond that, there’s a very deep love that I wouldn’t want anything to separate us after 32 years,” he said.

While he allows mechanics to fix cars, he has a strict rule: he is the only one allowed to wash them.

“I prefer to do that myself. It’s like giving her a bath. I talk to her, play music, suds her all up.”

Friday, 17 October 2014

Federal Government and Boko Haram reach Agreement to release Abducted Chibok Girls next week

Fresh reports have revealed there are ongoing talks to release Chibok girls come next week.

According to the statement released by the Defence Headquarters

While closing the coordinating conference between Nigeria and Cameroon on trans-border military operations, the Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh informed the delegates that without any prejudice to the outcome of the three days interactions and the conclusions of the forum, a cease fire agreement had been concluded between the Federal Government of Nigeria and Ahlul Sunna Li Daawa Wal Jihad.

 Accordingly, he directed the Service Chiefs to ensure immediate compliance with this development in the field.

At the meeting was the Cameroonian Chief of Defence Staff, GCA Meka Rene Claude leading his country’s military delegation.   Service Chiefs and senior military officers also attended the event.

Wife accuse Husband of 12years of turning their maids into his sex machines and sleeping with her Best friend

A 12-year-old marriage between Mr Femi Ajayi and his wife, Modupe was rescued by a Lagos court.

The petitioner, Mr Femi Ajayi, 45, legal practitioner, had filed a suit seeking dissolution of his 12-year-old marriage over threat to his life, arrogance and extravagant life style.

He described Modupe as a pompous, disrespectful and arrogant woman.
“She is so full of herself and does not have respect for me despite all I have done for her, I bought her four cars within our 12 years of marriage, yet she does not have regard for me.She does thing without telling me; she travelled out of Nigeria without my consent”

He said that his wife always threatened his life with dangerous weapons whenever they were fighting by picking a knife or other sharp objects to stab him.

 Femi accused his wife of living extravagantly, using any money she got to buy jewellery to the extent that she spent N250,000 meant for his children’s school fees.

He said that he would have divorced her two years ago, but he thought she would change and that they were living as enemies in the house as they had stopped talking to eachother since June, 2013.

 In her defence, Mrs Modupe Ajayi, 40, businesswoman, told the court that her husband was a “womaniser” and had slept with her best friend.
“My husband runs after anything in skirt; I caught him making love to my best friend in her house.I refused to employ any house help again as he has turned them into sex machines,” Modupe said.
 She said that she stopped having sex with her husband since September 2013 because she always had infection days after he made love to her.
“I stopped making love to him and I stopped washing his clothes when I discovered I always see and smell sperm on his boxers,” she said.
The mother of three said that a day after their wedding, her husband abandoned her to stay with another woman and lied to her that he travelled to see his father in the village.
“I called his father when he did not show up for days, but he told me that he did not see my husband”.
 Modupe said that she later discovered the lady’s number on his phone and she called her to leave her husband alone.
“After I warned her on phone, my husband rushed home, dragged me out of the bathroom naked, beat me for calling his girl friend.It was my brother-in-law that ran out to cover my nakedness,” 

The Court President, Mr R.I Adeyeri, was able to reconcile the estranged couple thorough counselling.

Adeyeri ordered Modupe to write an undertaking that she would change her attitudes and admonished the couple to maintain the peace.  (NAN)

The Fear of SugarDaddy is the Beginning of Wisdom, Shocking story of a Woman who has given birth to 7th Dead Child because of her Past

I lost another baby last month. the 7th child that i am delivering dead. if i had known what i knew before i would have waited and been satisfied. i am glad i finally know the source of my problems and please God should forgive my
sins and help me. i am beautiful with a figure to die for. an only child from a middle class family. my mum used to warn me that my big eyes will
be my undoing. my greed landed me in the arms of a sugar daddy who spoilt me rotten. i was with only him and left him to get married. 

He wanted to marry me but i refused and played a fast one on him... i loved him but my parents said over their dead body and i had to leave him.
this man told me i will see that i feel i can chop him and leave him.i begged and cried that it is not my fault and he said it is ok. 

Since i married every 8th month i deliver dead babies i almost killed myself when the last one happened. my friend took me to a man of God who told me that my former sugar daddy bought a dead baby from a mortuary and swore that as long as this baby can never become a living baby so shall any baby i get pregnant for never become a living baby in this world. 

Where do i even begin the fasting and praying from? awoof is pudging me now. if i knew i would not have start what i cannot finish. this is real life''.

Culled from SDK

Thursday, 16 October 2014

NFF Sacks Stephen Keshi

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has sacked Stephen Keshi, coach of the country’s national team, the Super Eagles.

The Cable reports that the decision was made Wednesday night by the executive committee of the newly constituted Nigeria Football Federation, at a meeting at Transcorp Hilton, Abuja.

Keshi, will now be replaced by Shaibu Amodu, a former coach of the team. He will be supported by Salisu Yusuf, Gbenga Ogunbote and Aloysius Agu. Garba Lawal, a former player will serve as the team ‘s coordinator.

Amodu as a caretaker coach, will take charge of the team for the last two matches in the qualifying round for the 2015 African Cup of Nations.

Keshi’s three-year contract with NFF actually expired at the end of the World Cup in Brazil, where he led the team to the second round of the competition, just after winning the African Cup of Nations.

The team have had a run of bad results since then, losing to Sudan and Congo in the Group A qualifiers and drawing with South Africa. The team rccorded a 3-1 victory over Sudan in Abuja on Wednesday.

But the NFF executives did not seem to be impressed to give Keshi a new contract, more so since Keshi had boasted that he has several African countries waiting to hire him.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ahmed Tinubu and Wife called out on Twitter as Ex Drug Barons. See Evidences


This is really shocking!! Mr Ayedee real name Mukhtar Alexander Dan'Iyan, is the man who shut down Linda ikejis blog after accusing her of plagiarism.

He went on Twitter this time around to expose Bola Ahmed Tinubu(APC leader and Former Governor of Lagos State and wife (Senator Remi Tinubu) as Former Drug Barons in the US. See the Evidences below

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Tee Bills finally Breaks Silence on rumoured Split from Tiwa Savage

For over 3 weeks now, news had gone viral in the media that the 5-months-old marriage of Nigeria’s popular celebrity couple, Tiwa Savage and Tunji Balogun has hit the rocks.

In the course of the viral reports, both parties refused to comment on the issue, which got the grapevine even more interested in the turnout of events. The couple told some sources close to them that they won’t react to anything concerning the rumours, saying their body language would communicate the real state of things.

On September 26 TeeBillz became a year older and tiwa-savage practically forgot to wish her husband a happy birthday until much later in the day.

Since the said rumour started, they have hardly been seen together at public functions, however, on Sunday, October 12, 2014, the couple was seen together at a Sunday service at House on The Rock in Lekki, Lagos.

They however broke the silence on the alleged break up rumour for the first time, when Tee Billz spoke to Encomium magazine, saying: ‘We are still very much in love and happily married.’

Last week, when Tiwa dropped her new song ‘My Darling’ Tee Billz took to Instagram with their wedding picture with the caption, ‘WCM (Woman Crush Wednesday)’ and Tiwa Savage replied saying ‘All Day Every day.’

Close friends and relatives to the couple said it is true they had issues recently but that they are good now and are committed to not just keeping the union going but making their marriage a long lasting one.

I am not Nigeria's Football Problem- Keshi


Super Eagles caretaker coach, Stephen Keshi is confident that his team will still qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations in Morocco, but insists that the current problems with the team has nothing to do with his tactical prowess. Keshi claims some individuals are sabotaging his efforts and the team.

Keshi, whose team lie bottom of Group A in the 2015 AFCON qualifiers with just one point after three matches stated this yesterday after receiving the prestigious LEADERSHIP Sports Person of the year award for 2013.

Represented by his brother and manager, Emmanuel Ado, Keshi commended LEADERSHIP Newspaper for the honour, saying the award will spark the team up for the task ahead. “Recognition is always a welcome development and we thank LEADERSHIP Newspapers Group Limited for recognizing him as sports person of the year 2013.”Coming at a time the team is not doing well is an indication that the team will rise again. We all know the factors responsible for the team not doing well,” he said.

According to him, the recent crisis concerning elections into the executive committee of the NFF are part of the factors affecting the performance of the team. “It is unfortunate that each time we have elections, it never worked out well and robs off negatively on the team.”What is affecting the team now are man-made factors. We don’t want to talk too much as if we are giving excuses, but I will give an instance. When he came in he did three Christmases and new years in camp; and in every match two or three weeks to the game the home based players come to camp and work very hard with the coach assessing their level of fitness and work on them before the match, but now the story is different. All we want to say for now is that Nigeria will qualify for the AFCON 2015 in Morocco,” he said.

He said instead of blaming Keshi for the Super Eagles woeful performances, Nigerians should first look at the crisis in Nigeria’s football, attitude of administrators and other factors. “Keshi is not the problem of Nigeria football but the job of a coach is to be hired and fired. Everybody knows that Keshi doesn’t have a contract and what he is doing was to answer a patriotic call to come and take charge. There have been confusion and people have to look at what had happened. Nigerians going to the World Cup knew that Coach Keshi contract will expire at the end of the World Cup. Whether they were going to retain or sack him, they ought to have taken a decision. That was not done. So, people should trace the root of this crisis because we are in a crisis and we can’t deny that. As I speak, people are in court and nobody can say he does not know anything about that. Like I said earlier, Keshi will leave Super Eagles with his head high

I can't stop Robbing People- Suspect

A 38-year old suspected armed robber, Farouk Lawal, has confessed that he can’t stop robbing people and that was why he returned to robbery immediately after he was released from prison. He was in jail for nine years before he went into robbery again

The Ogun State-born Lawal served at Kirikiri Prisons in Lagos State, western Nigeria, after he was convicted of armed robbery.

Two months after he was released from the prison, he was again arrested along with his gang member, Babatunde Makinde, for armed robbery in Daleko, Mushin area of Lagos.

The men of Lagos State Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, arrested the suspected robbers after they allegedly snatched a Camry Saloon car at Bariga area of Lagos which they allegedly wanted to use for operation.

The father of two said there was nothing his family had not done to stop him from robbing people, but after such rituals or deliverance his desire to rob increased.

“It is not that I am greedy for money, but once that spirit enters me, I will want to go for robbery operation.”

He said he did not know why it was like that, adding that he and his parents had engaged some pastors and spiritualists for deliverance but it did not work.

“I have gone to churches for deliverance and it did not work and when the spirit possesses me, I must go for operation,” he said.

Lawal said he has been praying and advising his children not to commit crime because it does not pay.

When asked if  he will go back to committing crime, if set free, Lawal said he would not like to do so but he will need help and solution so that he would stop it finally.

Police source said the suspects, who are currently detained, will be charged to court after investigation

Monday, 13 October 2014

Mystery:Woman who transformed from a Bird after it hit a high tension wire is Dead(Photo).See what really Happened

A middle-aged woman who caused a stir at Cappa Bus Stop, Oshodi Lagos on Friday, after being accused of witchcraft, has died.

PUNCH Metro learnt that the woman, who was badly burnt, was accused of transforming from a bird into a human being.

Some eyewitnesses claimed the woman had fallen as a ‘bird’ from the cable, and confessed to have some metaphysical powers.

Although policemen from the Mushin Division, Olosan were later said to have taken the woman away, she was already unconscious before arriving at the hospital.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, while confirming her death, said the woman’s corpse had been deposited at a morgue.

He said, “Eyewitnesses said there was a bird which fell down and turned into a woman. So, a large crowd gathered round her. She was not attacked. Eventually, when the police got there, they rescued the woman from the surging crowd. But unfortunately, she died, and her body has been deposited at the Mainland General Hospital’s morgue.”

When our correspondent visited the area, a policeman at the junction said the woman was coming from the Agbado Ijaiye area of Lagos, and heading for her husband’s residence in Mushin.

It was learnt from eyewitnesses that a bird had been seen flying around the area, and had hit a high tension cable and landed on the ground.

One Mr. Sowoloa, who claimed to be an eyewitness, said the passersby formed a crowd around the bird which reportedly turned into a woman, and busied themselves with taking her photographs.

He said, “It was at 12 in the afternoon. I was also at the bus stop with friends. We saw one of the birds hit a high-tension cable. It shrieked and landed on the ground. Before we took any notice, it was a badly burnt woman we saw.

“It is unbelievable but it is true. When we spoke to the woman, she claimed to have some magical powers, and had killed several people. She added that she was returning to her husband’s house in Mushin before the incident. So, some people started taking her photographs

See Why you Should never Eat "Ponmo"

2014-10-13-07-06-31Dr Isuwa Adamu, Director-General, Nigerian Institute of Leather Science and Technology (NILEST), Zaria, on Tuesday warned against the consumption of animal hides and skin known locally as “ponmo”.

Adamu told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that the consumption of the product as meat substitute was dangerous to health.

According to him, scientifically, ponmo does not have any nutritional value to human health.

“In fact, it is not advisable for you to consume ponmo in the sense that some of the animals killed and used for ponmo actually have skin diseases.

“Some of these skin diseases are such that boiling them ordinarily, may not kill the bacteria”, Adamu said.

He added that some of the animals killed had been ill and undergoing injections but the rearers went ahead to kill them, leaving the buyers vulnerable to chemicals in the animal skin.

“Some of the animals because of the ailments that they have gone through, are sometimes treated by way of injection with chemicals.

“People don’t allow these chemicals to complete its cycle and be removed from the body; they sometimes go ahead to kill these animals.

“So, if you consume the ponmo, the tendency is that you are consuming the chemicals directly because the skin part of the animal retains most of the harmful substances.

“Remember your skin is the major protective organ of your body and your skin harbours so many of the harmful things that are supposed to penetrate into your body’’, he explained.

He added that the skin of animals harbour so many of the harmful waste materials that the body secretes and boiling only could not remove some of those wastes.

The NILEST boss said the institute was putting up efforts to sensitise the public and advise governments on policies that will help to reduce the consumption of animal skin to the barest minimum.

According to him, ponmo consumption is a national and traditional issue that just putting up laws may not really help to stop it.

Adamu advised the government to come up with policies that could be enforced to reduce the consumption of hides and skin as meat substitute

Saturday, 11 October 2014

I have autographed Countless Boobs- Sir Shina Peters

20141011_09_02_53Afro juju creator and sexagenarian, Akanbi Oluwashina Peters aka Sir Shina Peters shares his over five decades experience on stage today.

 Can you remember the first time you performed live?

It was a very long time ago. I can’t remember, honestly; I can’t.

What do you normally do before a show?

After rehearsals I always go spiritual by talking to my God. Though I have been close to God but ever since I turned 60, I have become even closer to my creator.

Apart from going spiritual, I go into my dressing room because I’m a powerful dresser and my mood determines the kind of cloths or costumes I wear.

 When you wake up on the day of the show, what do you normally do?

That depends on my mood. I don’t do anything special. I may either eat or not. However, I could be going for a show and see a corn seller and ask my driver to park so I could buy and eat. But one important thing I do is that I don’t listen to any music on the day of a show because I don’t want to be influenced by any other music including mine; that helps me to stay focused.

You‘re quite energetic on stage. Do you take any stimulants?

No, I have never smoked or taken any stimulant in my entire life. Though I drink beer, I don’t take energy boosters. All the action you see on the stage is natural because I enjoy what I do.

 Do you treat your voice specially?

I neither treat my voice nor use any special concoction. Also, I have never tried to emulate any singer; my voice is just natural.

How do you relate with your fans, both male and female?

My fans cut across all the tribes in Nige­ria. In fact, I have more fans in the eastern part of Nigeria than the western part where we have the Yoruba, and after my God, my fans come next so we have a very cordial relationship.

What are the crazy things a male fan done to you?

On stage I do a lot of crazy things so if a male fan appreciates me with crisps naira notes it is no big deal because I have also done a lot for them. I am very close to my  male fans to the extent that we relate as one family.

What about female fans?

My female fans love me and that does not mean that I take advantage of them. I know that indeed they love me because they have done lots of crazy things to me.

Which one will you say was the craziest?

They have done a lot of crazy things to me but that does not mean we are bed-mates. Women love me so much because I am an artiste that fights for women’s rights.

Let’s know one crazy thing a fe­male fan has done to you?

Hmmm, I have autographed so many boobs

"We Only Had one round of Sex"-30 Year Old Woman accused of Killing 78year old Lover

She is 30 years old but that did not stop her secret love affair with 78-year-old politician, Adedayo Deru. But on September 30, 2014, it all ended – with the man collapsing on his lover’s chest and dying on the spot.

In a case that has underscored the thin line between pleasure and pain, Deru went from a steamy sexual session on his lover’s bed to a roadside where his corpse was dumped after his death.

The woman in the eye of the storm, Ijimo Ibrahim, a hairdresser, was still finding it difficult to explain her situation to police investigators at the Department of Criminal Investigation of the Ogun State Police Command, Eleweran, Abeokuta, when our correspondent visited on Wednesday. The police wanted to know how her lover died and how his body got to a roadside in the dead of the night.

Ibrahim, who was never married, has two children with two other men. Sitting on the floor with agony etched on her face, Ibrahim narrated how her lover, who was married to another woman, died.

“He only came for sex in the mornings so that his wife would not suspect,” the fair complexioned woman said, as her face revealed that she would prefer not to relive the sordid details of the affair.


The late Deru and Ibrahim met six years ago in Odogbolu, the suspect told our correspondent.

“There was a day I was with him. We had sex but the wife caught us. So, I had to leave the town shortly after. I went to Lagos to work as an apprentice hairdresser,” she said.

According to Ibrahim, after her apprenticeship and a love affair in Lagos that resulted in a child, she was back in Odogbolu, where another love affair resulted in another child.

“None of the fathers of my children were good. They never took care of me or the children. I turned to the only person who has been really helpful to me. My lover (Deru) was a good man. He helped me anytime I called on him.

“When we reconnected after I got back from Lagos, we continued our love affair secretly because he was always there when I needed help.”

Asked what sort of help Deru rendered, Ibrahim said he sometimes gave her foodstuffs or money for food, which she said was up to N1,000 on each occasion.

So, she and Deru enjoyed a sexual experience that endured until their final encounter, which has put her in police net as a murder suspect.

She said, “He came as usual on September 30 around 9am. I was on my way out of the house; I was going to work already that day. But he met me as I got out of the door and said he was visiting me.

“I told him I could spare some hours before I left for work, so I went back inside with him. As soon as we got in, he stripped and I did the same. It was just one round of sex that we had and I don’t know why that could have killed him.

“Our lovemaking was not even that long. He started complaining that he was not feeling fine. He said he was feeling tired and dizzy. Shortly after, he collapsed and stopped breathing.”

When Deru became unresponsive, Ibrahim said she became frightened.

Confused about what to do next, she dialled the telephone number of a male relation, explaining what had happened.

“My brother (the relation) told me to calm down, promising to come to my aid later that afternoon so that we could decide on what to do. But when I did not see him by evening, I realised he had run away and switched off his mobile telephone in fear,” she said.

Ibrahim had to turn to another acquaintance who eventually agreed to help her dispose of the body.

“We thought if I reported to the police, I would be in serious trouble. I didn’t know I was making a terrible decision.”

It was around 3am the following day when Ibrahim disposed of Deru’s body with the help of a commercial motorcycle rider living in her house.

The motorcyclist, Benjamin Friday, who tried his best to present his version of the events that led to his involvement in disposing of the body, said he had no idea that Deru was already dead.

“When they woke me up to help them carry a body, I was told it was her (Ibrahim’s) elderly relation. I was really sleepy, they only told me he was ill and they wanted to dump his body on a roadside so that he would not die in her house,” he said.

Asked how he could possibly help carry a body and would not know whether it was that of a dead man, Friday said he was sleepy at the time.

“I told them I would not touch the man’s body. Someone sat behind me supporting the man’s body. I only drove them to the roadside. They put the body down and I left.”

Also in police custody was a photographer friend of Ibrahim, Funmilayo Moyegun, who said she was only requested to be there “to take his (Deru’s) photograph.”

“I only held the lamp when the body was being dumped,” she said.

Deru’s body was said to have been dumped about 100 metres away from his lover’s house on Oladipo Diya Road, Odogbolu.

The police were called to the scene when the body was found by residents of the area.

Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Mr. Muyiwa Adejobi, said after a thorough police investigation, the body was eventually traced to Ibrahim.

According to him, investigation would continue into the matter.

“We would determine how the man died and whether her version of the story correlates with the circumstances of the death,” Adejobi said.

He revealed that an autopsy would help the police determine the level of culpability of the prime suspect

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Oh No!! Google Pulls Down Linda ikejis Blog! See What really Happened


Wow!! I am totally in shock! So no more Tell me who doesn't visit that blog.countless Nigerians either for hate or good reasons.but sincerely she's quiet popular here and abroad.

A few days ago a twitter user by the name @mrayedee informed his followers that Nigeria’s Number 1 blogger Linda Ikeji Blog had infringed on his intellectual property by taking stories/pictures from his Twitter timeline without permission and/or credit to him as the owner of the copyrighted materials.


He disclosed that he had reached out to her privately and publicly, but to no avail.


He revealed on Twitter, that he had sent a DCMA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) notice to Linda Ikeji Blog’s web host ( & on Oct. 4th he informed his followers that they had written to him informing him that the infringed content had been removed from Linda Ikeji blog.


The Linda Ikeji Blog is one of the top 10 sites visited in Nigeria, she is estimated to generate an income of $900,000 (N140 Million) from adverts and sponsored posts on her super popular blog.


Since the revealation by @mrayedee many tweeps have chosen sides, with some supporting @mrayedee and others like @sugabelly and @elnathan who also claim Ms. Ikeji has published their original works with permission or credit.


Others like Ohimai Amaize (Mr. Fix itNigeria) and Chude Jideonwo have viewed the plagiarism accusations as a smear campaign & have risen to defend the celebrated blogger.



@Sugabelly& @elnathan have both said Linda Ikeji has used their material on her blog without proper credit or permission


According to entertainment lawyer Uduak Oduok of Africa Music Law, some of Linda Ikeji’s mistakes are: Not incorporating as a business to shield her from personal liability and not having her own self hosted platform.


Aye dee has also sent out mass tweets detailing examples of alleged plagiarism by LIB, in which he gave specific examples copying the relevant twitter handles of the copyright owners such as Daily Mail, Getty Images and others.


Her blog was shut down these evening and she has promised her fans to bounce back Soon via another domain. I am sure she will. She has a fighting spirit which I really admire.


What!!! Chris Brown talks about losing His Virginity at Eight!!!

Chris Brown

Chris Brown shares his experience and you won't believe at what age he lost his...he gave it to a girl way older than he was.

"Yeah, really. Uh-huh," he said with a smile when asked if that was for real. "It's different in the country. By that point, we were already kind of like hot to trot, you know what I'm saying? Like, girls, we weren't afraid to talk to them; I wasn't afraid. So, at eight, being able to do it, it kind of preps you for the long run, so you can be a beast at it. You can be the best at it."

And if you think that's bad...

"But you know how Prince had a lot of girls back in the day? Prince was, like, the guy. I'm just that, today," he continues. "But most women won't have any complaints if they've been with me. They can't really complain. It's all good."

Whoops! Did you know Tiwa Savage Charge N10Million Per show?

Tiwa Savage

My oh My!!Mavin's first lady, Tiwa Savage has revealed the amount she charges organisers to perform at their shows.

The songstress said she charges a whooping sum of N10million per show, and we are just about to go break banks right now!

She made the revelation during an interview with Olisa Adibua on his show, The Truth.

That's some cool cash o

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Politician Caught Vandalising Pipeline to Raise Money for Campaign(Photo)

Operatives of the Inspector General of Police Task Force on Anti-Pipeline Vandalism have arrested a self-confessed politician, Wahab Junaid, for vandalising a Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation pipeline in the Obafemi/ Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State

The officer-in-charge of the task force, ACP Friday Ibadin, said Junaid, aka Doctor, was one of the unit’s most wanted pipeline vandals. He explained that Doctor was arrested at Ifote village in the local council.

PUNCH Metro learnt that Doctor had allegedly been arrested and arraigned three times, but was discharged and acquitted.

However, the 59-year-old politician said he went back to vandalism in order to raise money to contest a political post in 2015.

He said, “After I regained my freedom in 2012, I stopped anything that has to do with pipeline vandalism.

“I am an active member of a political party in this state (Lagos). So, when the slot for the House of Representatives was zoned to my area, my people nominated me to represent them. Since I know that I had a good chance of winning the election, I accepted. I was told to go and look for money to sponsor my campaigns.

“In the course of looking for funds, a friend of mine, Oloje, who is also a vandal, informed me that the area was calm, and that I could come and lift some fuel and get money for my political ambition.

“I was waiting with my tankers to lift the product when policemen arrested me. My enemies, who are bitter that I was anointed for the political position, betrayed me. Please forgive me and give me another chance. I am sorry and I promise that as soon as I am elected, I will assist the police in the war against pipeline vandalism.”

Juniad said a full tanker could be bought for N1.5m from vandals and sold for N3m.

Junaid, who claimed to be veterinary doctor, said he was first arrested and arraigned in court in 2008.

“I was discharged and acquitted in 2010. I was also arrested at Epe in 2010 and after several months, I regained my freedom again. The third time was in 2012, when policemen from FESTAC division arrested and arraigned me in court. I was able to secure my freedom yet again.”

The task force boss, Ibadin, explained that after his latest acquittal, the unit got a tip-off that Junaid had returned to bursting pipelines and had successfully moved several truck of petrol from pipelines in Lagos and Ogun states.

Ibadin said, “On September 15, 2014, detectives acted on an intelligence report that Junaid was back and currently operating with his boys at Ogere. Detectives, led by Ogere Sector Commander, ASP Shakwallo Philemon, stormed the area, arrested him and also recovered three big valves already mounted on NNPC right of way. This is the fourth time Junaid will be arrested by the police.

“We are still on the trail of his accomplices who managed to escape. We will again take him to court and we hope that he will get what he deserves this time around.”

In another development, the task force also busted an illegal local refinery at Osara, near Lokoja in Kogi state. The owners were said to have fled as soon as they sighted the policemen.

Ibadin said the taskforce was still combing the village for those who constructed the refinery.

Did You Know Your Phone Can Expose You to Cancer



Did you know that some items that you cherish the most could expose you to cancer and other illnesses when you do not use them properly?


Though they were invented to make life easier, their abuse or misuse could pose great danger to our health.


Scientists say that many technological appliances, such as mobile phones, televisions , microwaves, ovens and even refrigerators are powered by electromagnetic radiation which have been known to speed up the development of cancerous cells in the body, hence one should limit one’s exposure to them so they do not degrade vital body cells in the body.


The mobile telephone, according to Consultant Oncologist, (cancer specialist), Dr. Segun Kayode, is the device to watch out for. He says the advent of the mobile phone has been linked to the prevalence of breast, prostate and brain cancer.


Kayode explains that mobile telephones are not just powered by stored energy cells, but also they use electromagnetic radiation and ionising gamma rays, which can alter the genetic makeup of body cells when they are exposed to its rays for a long period.


“The technology of the mobile phone is such that it emits radiation. As the radiation penetrates the body tissue, it causes it to heat up. When the cells are at a temperature that is too high for them naturally, they get denatured and become useless. When there is altering in function, they begin to malfunction.


“Electromagnatic radiation also leads to DNA damage, which is the actual link to cancer. You hold the source of the emission, which is the phone, close to your brain that is why we have linked it with cancer of the brain too and there is evidence to back it up. There are claims that people who have had brain tumours had it in the exact size, shape and position as the shape where they placed their cell phone,” he states.


Doctors note that children and teenagers who use mobile phones are at greatest risk—both for parotid gland tumours and brain tumours—as their thinner skull bones allow for greater penetration of cell phone radiation.


Scientists say the phone’s radiation can enter all the way into their midbrain, where tumours are more deadly. In addition, children’s cells reproduce more quickly, so they are more susceptible to aggressive cell growth. Children also face a far greater lifetime exposure.


Studies by Swedish doctors shows that those who begin using cell phones heavily as teenagers have four to five times higher risk of developing cancer of the brain when compared to adults.


Even the World Health Organisation places the cell phone radiation as class B-carcinogenic. Kayode defines a carcinogenic substance or radiation as anything that has the potential of fostering the production of cancerous cells in the body.


The global body in a report with the International Agency for Research states that cell phones may indeed cause cancer, and classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as carcinogenic and a possible danger to humans.


The classification came in part in response to research conducted by the WHO in collaboration with IAR, which shows that wireless telephones increase the risk of an individual developing cancer of the brain.


The number of cell phone users was estimated to be approximately five billion in 2011 and that number has continued to climb; it is safe to admit that we are already past the point of repairing any possible damage.


However, you need not fear, not everybody that has a mobile telephone will develop cancer. Scientists say that the way in which you use it and where you place it after using it, are the factors that would determine whether one is at risk for the side effects of this technology, which include paralysis.


Men in particular may want to reconsider carrying their cell phones on their belts or in their pocket, in close proximity of their reproductive organs.


In addition, you have a number of other sensitive organs in that general area, including liver, kidneys, colon and bladder—all of which are susceptible to radiation, which causes cancer at the end of the day.


For example, research published in 2009 by two cancer specialists, Dr. Robert Nagourney and Dr. John West, showed evidence that wearing a cell phone on ones hip may weaken an area of your pelvis to cause osteoporosis and paralysis.


The physicians, after measuring the pelvic bone density of 150 men, who regularly carried their cell phones attached to their belts and those, who carried their phones for an average of 15 hours each day, and had used cell phones for an average of six years, found that they had low mineral and bone density.


According to them, the electromagnetic field emission by their cell phones has reduced their pelvic and bone size, which could predispose them to paralysis.


West says, “It is important to realise that as long as your cell phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call. So, wearing a cell phone on your hip for 15 hours a day is giving that area of your body nearly continuous radiation exposure which is not good for the body.”


It is not just cancer, previous studies have a found that cell phone radiation can affect men’s sperm count, and the quality and motility of their sperm, and this may be a far greater issue than its effect on the bones around the male pelvic region.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

I Want My Eagles Job back- Former Coach, Samson Siasia

Former Super Eagles coach, Samson Siasia, has confirmed speculations that he is interested in staging a come back as the team’s gaffer, a job Stephen Keshi is currently still hanging on to in interim capacity.


Speaking during a media parley with Friends of Football Foundation in Abuja yesterday, the coach stated that though it is the NFF executive committee that will determine who leads the Eagles, there was nothing wrong in his indicating interest to take the job.


He insisted that since coaching is all about hiring and firing, there was no big deal in his eyeing Keshi’s job, more so when Keshi was the one he lost the job to in 2012.


He stressed that the Eagles job is up for grabs since Keshi’s contract had expired.


His words: “I have read several reports concerning my taking over from Keshi, but I don’t know what is going on because the NFF has to get itself together before anybody can talk anything about Eagles coaching job.


“Let us just hope that the NFF election will be a successful one after that the issue of who takes charge of Eagles will come up,” he said.


On the possibility of his interest affecting his relationship with Keshi, Siasia replied: “I am not taking his job because he does not have any job in the first place at the moment because his contract has since expired. The way I see it, it will now be left for whoever emerges new NFF president and his board members to decide who they want to take over the Super Eagles.


“If they decide to appoint me, I will gladly accept the job because he also took the job away from me. One point I want to make here is that I don’t have any problem with Keshi. He remains my friend. Since he took my job, we still talk, hug and relate very well,” he insisted.


The former Dream Team chief coach equally spoke on the chances of Super Eagles qualifying for the 2015 Morocco Africa Nations Cup, warning that once we lose the game against Sudan we would have to wait until 2017 to appear in the tournament.


“Everything is hanging in the balance and if we don’t win the next game, we should forget about the ticket.” he noted.

Nigeria has 64 million Adult illiterates

The National Mass Education Commission (NMEC) says Nigeria’s adult illiterate population stands at 64 million and described the figure as worrisome.


The Chairman of the Governing Board of the commission, Dr Esther Udehi, made this known on Monday in Awka during a courtesy call on the Deputy Governor of Anambra State, Dr. Nkem Okeke.


The visit was part of the activities lined up to mark the International Literacy Day (ILD) in the state.


Udehi said Nigeria’ s dream of attaining the Education For All (EFA) Goal 2015 would become elusive except something was urgently done to reverse the trend.


“It is a shame that in the 21st century we should be having such a number of illiterates. It is thing of concern to everyone.”


She said the ILD celebration was, therefore, an opportunity for the commission to drum up support for adult literacy.



2014-09-30-07-51-50The chairman tasked states to ensure that the 774 local government areas were well equipped and empowered to be the “hearts of advocacy” for literacy.


She noted that the laudable policies of government at all levels could not be achieved with such a large population of illiterates in the country.


“We all know that an illiterate is a danger, not only to himself, but to the society at large,” Udehi said.


In his response, Okeke said that the Anambra Government was conscious of the enormous challenges confronting the education sector, especially in terms of achieving the EFA Goal.


Okeke said the government was committed to ensuring that Anambra became one of the states with the largest population of educated people.


The deputy governor, therefore, pledged the state’s support for the non-formal education sector to achieve this set goal.

19-year-old boy impregnates mother while testing love charm

Residents of Asaba, Delta State are yet to recover from the shock of how a 19-year-old Godwin (not real name) allegedly impregnated his mother while testing his love charm.


According to report, the boy, famously known as Ekenem, was said to have gone to a native doctor, who allegedly prepared a love charm for him to use on his mother and one of the matrons in the college where he is a boarding student.


It was gathered that the husband of the woman, who has been away for some time outside his Port Harcourt operational base, denied being responsible for the pregnancy during interrogation.



But the victim, the suspect’s mother, while speaking to journalists said, “I did not know how it all happened, but all I can say is that a young man who looked like my son suddenly found his way into my room at the wee hours and I was speechless”, adding that the whole exercise had remained inexplicable.


Speaking at the police headquarters to journalists, the suspect said, “I am deeply sorry for all that has happened, I did not mean to do this. I saw myself falling in love with her after the love charm prepared for me. I have to confess because I know by so doing, God will touch her mind and I know she will forgive me. I suddenly found that I was making love to mum when I thought the charm will not work, and upon the revelation, I threatened to kill her and the matter was reported to the police”, he said.


DSP Celestina Kalu, Police Public Relations Officer in the state, who confirmed the report, disclosed that the boy had since been arrested over threat to life.

Man allegedly tried to commit suicide inside Synagogue Church to prove T.B Joshua is not Fake



2014-09-30-07-27-31The spokesman of Emmanuel TV, the media outfit of the Synagogue Church of all Nations, Ken Emeakayi, claims a young man attempted to commit suicide during service yesterday, Sunday September 28th.


While speaking on Channels TV’s Sunrise Daily today, Emeakayi disclosed that the man tried to jump down from the gallery of the church which would have immediately killed him upon landing.


According to him, the young man said he wanted to show that he believed prophet T.B Joshua.



He argued that if the man had succeeded in the suicide attempt, the story would have been reported differently.


Clearing the air on the misinterpretation on the collapsed building, Emeakayi also said what happened on September 12th was a controlled demolition.


“We are investigating the incident for the world to know what actually happened. When you look at the clip, you will see that it was not just the aircraft hovering. At the point of the incident, there was an explosion. It is possible they were either dropped or planted and the aircraft will have to come and detonate it. The persons in the building said that the noise they heard suggested that it was an explosion. Those involved in the act may not have been aware of the security cameras. With modern technologies, explosive devices could be detonated without a loud noise. There were about four explosives that were detonated in the building from the much the CCTv could capture and because we know that there would be fragments from the explosive, we are calling for an investigation” he quipped

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Shine your eyes when next you buy Fuel, See Dirty tricks petrol stations and Attendants play on customers


Mrs. Bisola Ayeni, a businesswoman in her early 40s confidently left her house at Egbeda (Lagos) with an almost empty tank heading for Ikeja. The red light of the fuel indicator was blinking nonstop but Ayeni knew the quantity of fuel in her tank would take her to the next available filling station where she had hoped to fill up her tank.

Indeed, as she got to the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway, Ayeni drove into the filling station and told the attendant to fill her car with N5,000 worth of fuel while she rummaged her handbag to bring out the money as well as pick a call. That was her undoing.

Ayeni would tell our correspondent that she didn’t bother to look at the pump while the sale was on because she didn’t envisage any foul act, besides she knew the level a N5,000 worth of fuel would rise to on her fuel gauge. Ayeni only managed a quick glance at the meter and when she saw that it was reading, she relaxed and enjoyed her discussion on the phone.

She said, “When I finished, I looked at the pump and I saw N5,000 on the price column, I paid him and drove away. I expected the light indicating low fuel to go off and the indicator to rise, but it didn’t happen.

“Even if the rise in the fuel indicator would be gradual, I expected a major shift. Lo and behold, the light never went off and the indicator never rose.

“Oh my God, I was confused and very angry, so I turned back, while praying that the car wouldn’t run out of fuel. By the time I got to the petrol station, I was fuming.”

Ayeni said she had almost slapped the attendant who attended to her having shouted on him when the station manager came out.

“On hearing what happened, the manager gave the sales boy a resounding slap, apologised to me and ordered him to sell the fuel again, and I heard him saying the N5,000 would be deducted from his salary. We both stood by him while he sold the fuel, the gauge rose even before I left the station, which means he cheated me earlier. I still wouldn’t know how he did it,” she said.

Ayeni’s experience is common among vehicle owners, who had at one time or the other thought they had bought fuel but later found out they either bought nothing or were short-changed in terms of the quantity. A cross section of vehicle owners who spoke to our correspondent alleged that they had noticed same at one time or the other but said that there was nothing they could do since they really could not establish any foul play.

In case you once bought fuel from a filling station and it seemed like nothing was added to your fuel tank after you have left, or you felt what was sold to you wasn’t commensurate with what you paid for or expected, you may have been cheated under your close watch even with your eyes wide open.

Saturday PUNCH had a revealing chat with fuel attendants of some popular filling stations in Lagos and they explained how they make quick but huge cash from unsuspecting customers.

One of them who identified himself simply as Owolabi John, said there are many ways fuel attendants cheat customers who have come to buy fuel, which many people are not aware of.

Devouring a massive plate of hot and spicy pepper soup and a bottle of chilled beer our correspondent bought for him, John readily exposed all the tricks on how they make money.

By the way, John earns N10,000 as a fuel attendant. He wants to pursue a university education. There is no other help from anywhere else, as such John admitted leaving no stone unturned to take advantage of gullible customers to make some money from what he described as “the customers’ carelessness.”

“Ideally, when we resume, we take the reading on the meter on the fuel dispenser, which we call the opening meter, and when we close, we take the reading, which we also call the closing meter. Then, we multiply the difference in the readings by the cost per litre, which is the amount we deliver to the manager. If there is any surplus, it belongs to the attendant, and if there is loss, the attendant will look for money to make it up. If the shortage is a lot of money, the manager may allow that the money be deducted from the person’s salary if the person is not sacked,” he explained.

However, that surplus money may not have been a miracle or manna from heaven; it could simply be a product of manipulation by the attendants.

According to John, there are different types of fuel dispensers, such as Marathon, Sanki, Eagle Star, etc, and each machine has its peculiar way of being adjusted. “On the keyboard of some of them, where we enter the number of litres or amount, which is either in front or on the side, there is usually a button labelled ‘Recall, TIM/CAL’ or any other label, depending on the machine. The essence of the button is to enable the attendant to see the past sales. If you want to see your last ten sales, you just press Recall, then the number you want to see etc, depending on the number you want, and it shows you the amount. Beyond seeing our past sales, we use it to make money.

“If I sell N2,000 worth of fuel to a customer, and the next customer also wants to buy N2,000. If I observe that the second customer Isn’t paying attention, I will sell some quantity, maybe N1,500 and press Stop or Cancel, depending on the machine press Recall, 1, then press Ok. With that, N2,000 will appear on the screen and that is what the customer will see on the meter, believing the sale is complete. This can be done in less than one second. That is one of the ways, and at the close of business I remove mine which is the excess of the actual litre sales.

“Imagine if I do that for about ten customers in a day, with varying gain from each case, which depends largely on the amount of fuel the customer is buying and how sensitive the person is. I could make up to N10, 000 in one day,” he explained.

According to him, attendants could go to the extent of writing out some past sales on a paper where they can easily have a glance to know which number to recall when a customer is distracted or looks away, since many people prefer to buy based on price and not litre.

“When customers come, we observe them and see if they are tired or we try to distract them, sometimes with the help of our colleagues by engaging them in a chat or doing things that could easily distract them. As soon as they look away, if the seller has made an appreciable sale, he/she would have mastered or checked his paper to see the last time he sold that particular amount, as soon as it is possible, he will press it, and press OK. Before the customer looks back, the sale will appear complete,” John explained.

John’s revelation explained one of the ways Ayeni might have been cheated. Another fuel attendant, who simply identified himself as Owode Kabir, told our correspondent that the use of Recall or TIM button is the easiest way to make quick money because the customers would think the machine was fast, so they wouldn’t always suspect anything, even though some come back to complain.

However, Kabir stressed that not all attendants are involved in the act, but that many of them do it as long as there is opportunity and that in some cases, they settle the station manager at the close of work if they are able to make some money, which they do everyday anyway.

But ‘Recall or TIM/CAL’ button is not the only way to make money from customers, Kabir would tell our correspondent. There is yet another way!

Even though many people know that when the nozzle is hanged on the pump, the readings revert to zero, he said they (fuel attendants) have also found a way to manoeuvre it to make some money.

“What we do is to gently place the nozzle, such that it won’t click to rub off the old sales and revert to zero, so, we fake it, which means the dispenser is still running, so if anyone comes, we simply continue from where we stop and that is why sometimes it seems like we are rushing the customers. It is easier when the last sale is a small quantity.

“Even though the use of the Recall or TIM/CAL’ button on some of these machines is the easiest method, faking the nozzle is another viable way to make money.

“If the previous sale is about N200 maybe by a Keke NAPEP and Okada rider, or even commercial buses (danfo) drivers, because they are the ones who buy fuel in bits, we will gently place the nozzle, and naturally, when you see that we remove the nozzle from the hanger, that is, from the engine, you believe that it started from zero. However, it is not always the case,” he said.

Kabir was quick to add that some station managers or managements know about their tricks but that once they are caught or reported by a customer, such person could be sacked. He added that attendants usually sell in all cases but such sales might not start from zero or could be recalled to a previous sale that had the same amount, which would be an incomplete sale for the customer.

“Sometimes we could gain up to N1,000 from one sale, it depends on the quantity that the consumer wants, and those that are caught are usually the greedy ones,” he noted.

He added that in filling stations where their dispensers do not have Recall or TIM/CAL only the last sale could be recalled, hence, once the last sale is not the same with the current sale, faking the hanging of the nozzle might be the only way to make money through such pump.

Station owners and managers also dupe customers

A female attendant with a major oil marketer company in Lagos Island, Seun Jegede, told our correspondent how station managers and filling station owners also cheat their customers.

She alleged that most filling stations alter their meters to under-dispense fuel at the detriment of customers, which is a known phenomenon among consumers. Even though this could be a product of greed and inadequate regulation, she said they also do that to make up for some loss they might have incurred during sales.

“Based on experience, I can tell you that almost all filling stations, including the ones being run by government, adjust their meters and what they do is to settle the officials from the Department of Petroleum Resources if or when they come for inspection.

“No attendant can alter the meter on his own, except the manager sanctions it because it involves the engineer changing the panel and doing some mechanical readjustment. That is why many filling stations that alter their meters have to bribe their way through because the engineers are not always there, except the manager recommends a trusted attendant to be trained so as to put the pumps back to normal if DPR comes.

“The adjustment is easier with the marathon machine because it has a key in front of the meter. This allows for quick readjustment of the meter so as to scale through the due diligence check by the DPR, which could be once in six months,” Jegede explained.

She added that the decision to alter the meter could either come from the owner of the station or the station manager in connivance with the engineer, adding that whoever orders the adjustment takes the money made from the unsold quantity.

Station attendants also cheat their employers

According to John, not only customers are open to this fraud, even the management that the attendants work for are not immune to their fraudulent acts, through what he called ‘no reading’. In this case only the price meter reads while the litre reading does not move. He said this could be a product of frequent repairs of the pump or any other mechanical fault, which could make it malfunction.

“When there is ‘no reading’ on the litre menu, and the management is not aware, there is no way the management will know the actual number of litres that have been sold.

“What we do in such cases is to sell on the basis of amount only and we sometimes negotiate with the customer for settlement because we can sell more to make money. I can even call someone from home to come and buy and keep for me, before the management finds out that the litre is not reading.

“Even though the ‘no reading’ issue rarely happens, it becomes a free for all if it happens to the diesel or kerosene pump that usually has no attendant attached to it. With that, tracing who sells what quantity may be difficult, even though an attendant must be smart to avoid being penalised.

“Another form of ‘no reading’ is when some attendants, especially those attached to diesel or kerosene that have lesser patronage compared to petrol, gently press the nozzle (just like a one-touch press) that may not read on the meter whereas some fuel will still come out. It can also happen when they finish selling and instead of hanging the nozzle, they place it inside the keg for the little quantity to drip into their kegs. It may appear little, but over a long time, the gentle one-touch press and the leftovers become a large quantity. That is why you see some attendants having kegs beside them,” John explained.

The attendants further explained that they make more money when there is epileptic power supply which force people to buy fuel in kegs. “When there is no power supply and people struggle or force your nozzle in their kegs, many of them don’t care about starting from zero, which is a plus for us,” he said.

They however said station attendants find it difficult to cheat if the customer comes out of the vehicle to stay with them, adding that those who sit in their vehicles can easily be distracted or shortchanged.

A Director in DPR, Mr. George Osahon, had strongly advised in a television programme recently that it was better for vehicle owners to buy specific amount of fuel rather than using number of litres as a yardstick.

“When you go to a modern filling station and you ask for N5,000 worth of fuel, they simply punch a pad and when it’s complete it stops by itself, and it is better to stand by the seller or keep a close watch from your car if you choose to sit in the car.

“The reason the same worth of fuel would vary in quantity at different filling stations is because some under-dispense. Nobody will ever over-dispense, people will either dispense normally or under-dispense, so if you see such differential, it is very necessary for you to call the attention of the DPR to it,” he had said.

Osahon had also said people should stop using statements like ‘fill-up the tank’ not minding how much fuel was inside their tank or the quantity coming into it, saying there is a lot of wastage in that, which is not necessary.

However, while some filling station attendants who spoke to our correspondent denied the fraud allegations, a few others admitted that some attendants do it and that it depends on the circumstance and the type of pump, as pointed out by John.

A cross section of station managers who spoke to our correspondent also dissociated their filling stations from those who cheat their customers, adding that none of their staff would survive such an attempt.

Mr. Adebola Durojaiye, who is a manager of a filling station in Ikeja, said, “People say all filling stations under-dispense but that is not true. One good way to identify those who do it is that they don’t have good patronage because whether we like it or not, customers know the good and bad stations, so, the generalisation is wrong.”

The Chairman of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria, Ejigbo Satellite, Mr. Ajayi Adebayo, said recently that any member of the association found indulging in sharp practices would have his/her office sealed off alongside other sanctions, while urging members to be transparent and objective in their business transactions.

In a telephone conversation with our correspondent, the Executive Secretary, Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria, Mr. Obafemi Olawore, said no member of the association could be involved in under-dispensing or fiddling with the pump, adding that anyone with proof of such malpractice against any MOMAN member should feel free to contact the association to complain.

“I am not aware that any MOMAN member engages in under-dispensing. However, I cannot swear an oath or beat my chest and say there is no such thing by those that we contracted to run the stations, that is, the dealers. I am not saying they do it, but anyone with proof that it happens should contact us and we will take immediate action,” Olawore added.

DPR Spokesperson, Ms. Dorothy Bassey, said the agency was doing its best to check the fraudulent practices by some filling stations through its random inspection, while describing the bribe allegations against DPR officials as untrue.

“I am confirming to you that it is not true that officials of DPR collect bribe, what kind of money are they going to pay DPR staff? That is why we shut down stations once we have any indication that they carry out any malpractice.

“It happens but not as rampant as people make it look because nobody is a fool or wants to be cheated. That is why we do a lot of public engagement for people to watch out.

“We may not be 100 per cent, but certainly, we are working to ensure that everybody is happy. We have operation offices nationwide where people can go to complain,” Bassey said.

Meanwhile, a report culled from says filling up the tank may be another way to lose money and fuel, because when the pump clicks off automatically, no additional fuel enters the tank. “Instead, fuel is likely being diverted through the pump’s vapour recovery system and back into the station’s tank, which means you are paying for gas that you are not getting.

“More importantly, the car needs space in its tank for fuel vapours to expand. Overfilling can force gas into the car’s carbon filter, leading to poor performance, reduced mileage or costly repairs. So, the next time you want to buy fuel, don’t top off your tank, it’s good for your car and even better for your wallet,” the report said.

I hope you gained something? Now this is the time to share with others.